Making Introductions - Mark 1:1-8 Post 4

I can introduce myself to someone I don't know, but being introduced by someone else has its usefulness.  They can tell me a little something about the one I am meeting, help me get acquainted, dispel any doubt or question about who the other person really is or their trustworthiness.  Someone making the introduction can help me to understand why I should know this person - what connects me to him.  

So it's not a big surprise that God sent someone to introduce His people to His Son, like He promised He would.  John the Baptist, the promised messenger, or introducer, came.  John told people who was coming, what You would do, what to expect.  He announced Your arrival when You at last appear.  “This is He.  This is the one I told you about.”  Lest there be any doubt.  

John the Baptist isn't here today, but most people are still introduced to You by someone.  You can arrange meetings any way You want, but it seems that the preferred way is to hear about Jesus first from someone else. 

I'm not sure why.  I imagine that often we don't do a very good job with our introduction.  It seems like You'd want to come up with a better method.  But You've chosen this way.  

Maybe it's because You want to keep us involved.  

Maybe it's because You want to build a church, out of living stones, each taking their place, rather than having one stone here and another there, randomly scattered throughout fields and forests - throughout the world.  

Maybe because Jesus is love.  You want us to love each other, and what better way to show love to someone than telling them about You? 

Maybe because seeing the love of someone who really loves Jesus softens our hearts toward You.  

You prefer for us to do the introducing.  You want me to explain to others something about who You are, what You offer, what You are to me personally.  Why I need You.  What You could be to them.  

Do I want to introduce people to You?  Do I want them to know the hope that You offer?  Or am I just happy that I got what I need and those other folks - well, they're on their own?  Would I rather talk about the weather or fashion?  

John was committed to introducing people to You. He didn't tell people to dress or eat the way he did. (Locusts, anyone?). He told them about Jesus and called them to repentance until he lost his head.  As far as I know, Herod and his wife never repented.  But I doubt that John regrets calling them to do so.  

I can see regretting NOT trying to introduce someone to You.  


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